DM’s Blog: Omu might just kill them all

The Nine Trickster Gods of Omu Continued into Omu with The Coder Boyz, my biweekly Wednesday game with a friend and his coworkers. We did the math tonight and found I'm about a month away from my one year anniversary with these guys, which is nuts to me. I feel like I've been playing at … Continue reading DM’s Blog: Omu might just kill them all

Adventures of the Slayerz: Session 75

Lots happened since April (session 51 as last recorded). They fought Xardrax (the beholder in a mech suit grafting metal onto animals and building an army) and sent him to the Astral Plane. They played chess with Lady, Grawin, and Wolf (in a player's very well crafted one-shot). They returned to Phandalin and Orson and … Continue reading Adventures of the Slayerz: Session 75

DM’s Blog: From Brunch to Barovia

The day finally arrived! I started Curse of Strahd this past weekend with the Slayerz. Man, I am so excited to get into this module! I even started doing my session recaps again, something I abandoned in May because it felt like too much work. Now I feel like I'll need them to remember what's … Continue reading DM’s Blog: From Brunch to Barovia

Even in “Baldur’s Gate III”, I’ll stop to read a plaque

"What? It could be important!" My wife teases me for reading every plaque we come upon. I like to learn stuff! Especially historical stuff. Touring Charleston and Savannah a few years ago were wonderful because there are SOOO many plaques. Turns out, I can't even avoid them in video games. I started playing Baldur's Gate … Continue reading Even in “Baldur’s Gate III”, I’ll stop to read a plaque